Executive Summary about dog steps By Richard waters
Outlined below are the critical techniques that must be followed when training you dog, no matter which training method you choose. Using these techniques will help the training process immensely and ensure that you get the most out your relationship with your dog.
Probably the most important part of building a successful relationship with your dog is the rapport you are able to create with him, Rapport will only be created if you spend quality time with your dog and become his best friend talking to him- taking him out for long walks, playing with him. This is the key to a healthy relationship with your dog,
Delivering consistent clear messages to your dog will help him see his world as black and white rather than various shades of grey. By consistent messages we mean the commands you use to train praise and reprimand your dog should always be the same. It is important that all members of your family are using the same commands as you. When first training your dog it will help if just one person does the training. This is important because although the command may be the same the body language or the tone of voice may be completely different.
By timing we mean the amount of time allowed to pass before your dog responds (or not) to your commands and your praise (or reprimand). This time should be no longer than 2 to 3 seconds. If any longer the chances are your dog will not associate your words with his actions. Remember that you dog's mental ability is the same as a toddler.
By the same taken it is important that any physical correction to your dogs response to you training command occurs within the same 2 to 3 seconds. If for example you have given the command sit and the dog does not sit then you could push his rear quarter down while giving the sit command
Dogs are creatures of habit and learn by repition. It may take several repitions of the same command before the response becomes implanted in the dogs brain and the action you are trying to teach him becomes automatic. Your dog will also require refresher sessions so that the command or action does not become lost during his life. You should always praise him when he does something right.
Session length
Keep all training sessions short and enjoyable so that you dog's concentration is maintained throughout. Quality not quantity is the key, you should also always try to finish the training session on a positive note I you can.
Always be reasonable in your expectations of what your dog can achieve. It takes time to get results. If your dog has difficulties in picking up a certain command try and look at why he is having difficulties. Come back to it another day.
Always use praise whenever you dog has successfully completed an exercise. This should also be done as soon as your dog has done the desired act (remember the section on timing) When delivering the praise look directly into his eyes so that he understand the connection between the voice or touch and his action. Deliver the praise either verbally or with the hand by either patting or stroking him.
Eye contact.
Using eye contact can be more effective than using the spoken word especially if there is a close bond between the dog and owner. If a dog wishes to communicate with you he will look directly into your eyes trying to read your intent.
Hand signals
Using specific hand signals while at the same time speaking to your dog can be an effective way of training you dog. It will be useful in getting young dog to respond at long distances and you can eventually stop the verbal commands so that he responds to the hand signal only. Give hand signal in front of and above the dog's head as this is in their line of vision.
Voice signals
Dogs are known for their intelligence but they are only able to understand a few words, even those are more of an association between the sound you make and the action the dog has learned to respond to the sound with.
Use one command for one action and pronounce the command with the same tone of voice. You should gain your dogs attention by saying his name before starting a command.
It is important to realise that you dog will not understand every thing you say and may misunderstand the meaning of what you say. For example if you have trained you dog with the "down" command he may well if he is sitting on the furniture not respond to the command "get down" as he has only recognised the word down.
Punishment and correction
It is important that the dog sees you as the pack leader. In the wild if a dog steps out of line the"alpha"dog will punish or chastise it immediately.
For general disobedience use the "Alarm No Command" method. This method has three steps that you take when your dog does not respond as you wish.
Use something to alarm your dog, such as a squirt from a water pistol or shaking a pebble filled can. Make sure that you do this while he is in the act of misbehaving.
At the same time say aloud No or Bad .Use a stern voice so that your dog recognises the difference in tone from your normal voice .It is important that your voice correction is sincere and that the delivery is consistent so that the dog associates the harsh words or words with stopping the behaviour.
Then redirect your dog with a command. Sit and stay is a very good choice.
A check collar offers an easier yet more physical ways to give a correction.
A third option would be to exile your dog from the pack. In the wild the alpha dog would growl and chase the offending dog away from the pack. The ostracised dog would not be allowed back into he pack until the alpha dog lets him. You could do this by growling at your dog and chasing him away from the family area say out side to the garden.
Hi my name is Richard. I live in the UK with my wife and daughter and our pet dog "Ollie". I have been a dog lover for a number of years. I have studied dog behaviour primarily to enhance our relationship with our pet but also because I feel that most behaviour problems are easily avoided if the correct training methods are adopted in the first place. |
Dog Ramps, Pet Steps-Stairs - Hassle-Free Mobility?
Executive Summary about dog steps By Richard waters Debbie riadinger
Mobility issues frustrate even the best of dog owners. Older or disabled dog not getting around very well? Small breed can't seem to jump high enough to reach your lap? Navigation doesn't have to be difficult if you use dog ramps or pet steps/stairs.
Without the dog? It's just easier to leave 'em home. Dog Ramps - for the ins and outs. Portable ramps help to get a wet dog on dry turf after a dip in the water. Assist any breed, any age especially the elderly senior citizens, in and out of the car, truck, or SUV. Pet Steps/Stairs - for the ups and downs. Dog handler demand soon leaves the dedicated tired and sore. Yes, you can still pet travel. Loader type vehicle and trailer steps are foldable.